PComp Final Proposal

We talk about interaction day in and day out. How are we interacting with objects, with technology, with each other. How about the interaction of the objects with each other? I want to experiment with this idea. Us playing with object that would react to each other or that will allow you to build and see what it will do.

I am proposing a series of shapes that are placed on a conductive surface that would have different properties such as having a propeller, having a lamp, having a tone or a sensor. When you place the shapes on the surface they will be activated. Some of them won't be activated unless you stack them on top of a particular shape.

To give an idea here is a sketch of the idea.

Tone Lab

Making a musical instrument is sooo much fun and you don't need that many things to assemble one. Well, maybe a lot of pressure sensors ...

Fantasy Device

Here is my fantasy device Idea. I have been contemplating on this for years now. It all started when I was in College, studying product design. It became clear to me that my hand wasn't as fast as my brain can design so I have been dreaming of a device that would plug into my  mind and create the picture and then I can go ahead and work on details.

Playing with Electricity - Watch out! Multimeter in hand!

" We like to do things opposite way in here at ITP" that's what Dan O'Sullivan told us at the first PComp lesson. We were learning about basic electricity and circuits recent week. I couldn't be able to attend the class because I was sick but apparently I didn't miss much. It was all about using multimeter and learning how circuits work.

So to answer some question, "what is the tendency of the electrons?" for example I'd like to share a link. Here it goes;

Today is the Frist day and can't wait.

Well, Yes I am excited about the animation class but in the same time I had to drop the same class because I was missing it for 2 weeks in a row. It's a new start today and I am very happy to be able to take it!

I'll let you know how was my first experience with animation class.