The Van Gogh Palette is almost ready for action. What I am using in the program is a pointillizing technique to visualize the captured image. Right now the image from the camera is captured by a mouse click and immediately the program starts to draw the brush strokes using the color of the pixel at the x and y location of the image taken. The end product becomes a portrait that is made of brush strokes. At the moment the brush is only a simple rectangle but it still looks pretty :)
My next step is going to be to come up with different brush strokes and place them in designated areas of the image. For example the peripheral can be done by using a different brush and the face can be made with a different brush.
During the process the image doesn't appear suddenly, it takes time for it to form the portrait and you witness the process , stroke by stroke. I want to keep this process since I want to mimic a painting being made in front of your eyes.
I have started to play with the OpenCv blob detection too to capture the image at the right moment.
From here on it is going to be all about tweaking. Here is a video of the process too. Stay tuned :)