Connected Curve
Connected is a sculpted representation communicating the data of the ratio of the population versus the internet users among the 12 most populated countries in the world. It is designed to communicate by its form, which is inspired by the quintessential icon of wireless internet port of Apple’s Airport. Connected is a 3D version of this icon creating groves on a spherical surface, each grove becoming a country. The data is presented by using 2 different materials, “white” representing the non internet users, “black” representing the internet users and the combined height representing the population of the country. The data is actually pulled from two different years, 2009 & 2011, making the difference of internet users between these 2 years incredibly visible.
The project is trying to change how the wireless routers looks right now which is nothing more than a box housing the electronics. Adding with the data the wireless router is recognizable with it’s shape to communicate successfully the Free Wi-Fi service that it provides if attached to ethernet network. We are seeing this project to change the design of the wireless routers to make an object not to be hidden anymore.
Connected by Deqing Sun & Oya Kosebay
Technology : Phyton for Rhino + Rhino + Data Analysis in Processing
Detail of the data sculpting